Class Propagate

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, QueueKey

public class Propagate extends Step<Activation>
The job of the linking phase is to propagate information through the network by creating the required activations and links. Each activation and each link have an corresponding neuron or synapse respectively. Depending on the data set in the document, a neuron might have several activations associated with it. During propagation an input activation causes the creating of a link in one or more output synapses and the creation of an output activation. Initially the value of the input activation and the weight of the synapse might not suffice to activate the output activation. But that might change later on as more input links are added to the activation. New input links are added by the closeCycle method. This method is called by the visitor which follows the links in the activation network to check that both input and output activation of a new link refer to the same object in the input data set.
Lukas Molzberger